I don't have time for too many words tonight but I did have to make a card with my brand new Cuttlebug. It has travelled a LONG, LONG way from USA till here. Can you see the dry embossed background? That's my favorite Cuttlebug design.
Pumpkin is hand drawn and colored with watercolor pencils, leaves are drawn on velum then colored with acrylic paint and cut out.
Back to painting watercolor still lives now. I'll show you the final work later if I like it enough.
Nu am timp de prea multe vorbe in seara acesta, dar vroiam sa va arat noua mea achizitie. Se numeste Cuttlebug si a calatorit FOOOARTE mult din SUA pana aici.
Cuttlebug e o masinarie care, printre altele, stanteaza hartia cu ajutorul unor matrite obtinand modele ca cel din spatele dovleacului. Dovleacul l-am desenat intai in creion, iar apoi l-am colorat cu creioane acuarel. Frunzele le-am desenat pe hartie de calc, le-a pictat cu vopsea acrilica si apoi le-am decupat.
Ma intorc acum la pictat natura statica. Sper sa iasa ceva destul de bun incat sa va pot arata ce am lucrat.
The background indeed is great, and your pumpkin is very nice.
Have a nice Sunday...
Gorgeous, Meda! Yep, I love that folder too :) Love your pumpkin and leaves.
Oh my ...
Meda ... the pumpkin is your own drawing? I love the card, as well as your design! Sweet Fall to you!!
Thank you Meda for stopping by my blog. I can tell you enjoy making them ...Your cards are truely lovely.
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