I have been working a lot lately, especially watercolor painting, but I somehow am too tired to post anything on my blog. While I was looking around my hard drive for some of my unpublished work I saw this little card I made from some scrap card stock and a little flower image from a napkin. It never became the wedding invitation it was supposed to be, but there is something about it's simplicity that draws me. I think I still have it somewhere. Although I never keep my finished cards this is one of those very few that I can't let go.
Am lucrat foarte mult in ultimul timp, mai ales pictura in acuarela, insa am fost mereu prea obosita sa mai public ceva pe blog. In timp ce cautam printre imaginile de pe calculator ale lucrarilor nepublicate am gasit aceasta mica felicitare. Materialele pe care le-am folosit sunt doar o coala de carton reciclat si o floricica decupata dintr-un servetel. Initial a vrut sa fie o invitatie de nunta, dar pana la urma a ramas doar in acest stadiu. E ceva ce imi place foarte mult la acesta felicitare, motiv pentru care o pastrez inca, desi nu imi sta in obicei sa imi colectionez propriile felicitari.
And it is wonderfully unique. No wonder you hold onto this one! It shines in its simplicity ... a form that I personally find so difficult to achieve! Well done, indeed!
I think its just beautiful,
I was thinking about our visit to Bucharest just this last week and my thoughts wandered off to include you. Thanks for posting your lovely card. Yes! Less is more. margaret in florida
It's clean. It's simple! Love it!
Love the simplicity of this!! beautiful.
I came across this as I was going through your blog for the Cuttlebug Festival of Lights entry. I love the clean and simple lines and these are the kind of cards I like to make.
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