When I look in the mirror I see things like this and I see someone who just loves to create art that is elegant as much as useful. I never keep what I make. except maybe for a very short while. It's the process of creating that defines who I am. The bigger the challenge, the happier the artist. So challenge me! I don't mind.

Cand ma privesc in oglinda vad lucruri ca cele din imagine si vad pe cineva care adora sa creze lucruri elegante si in aceeasi masura utile. Nu pastrez niciodata ceea ce creez, decat poate pentru foarte putina vreme. Ceea ce ma defineste este procesul creatiei. Cu cat e mai mare provocarea, cu atat e mai fericit artistul. Asa ca provocati-ma; nu ma supar.

Ahhh, Meda! I love the way you manage to create around the vision of 'hope'! When I see vellum butterflies, I think of you & your special wedding creations. I've even begun to use a pearl here & there, but they always remind me of your style. I believe that you are constantly challenging 'yourself'!
Just the one word for your projects. Beautiful!
Absolutely beautiful. I am so inspired. When I "grow up" I want to be just like you. LOL Hugs from across the ocean.
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