I have been painting a lot lately. Struggling with watercolor that is. Although I am a very creative person I am also very realistic and, no matter how much I try, I end up making paintings look too photographic. So I'll do watercolors until the battle is won an I will be able to make fresh looking paintings with this medium.
Here is a dahlia I made from a reference photo on a painting group I joined on how-to-draw-and-paint.com. I have more paintings to show you, but I need good light to photograph them.
In ultimul timp am pictat foarte mult, sau, mai bine zis, m-am luptat cu acuarelele. Desi sunt foarte creativa, mai am o latura realista care ma determina sa pictez intr-o maniera mult prea exacta, lucru care nu se prea potriveste cu tehnica de acuarela. De aceea intentionez sa pictez in acuarela pana voi invata sa redau realitatea intr-o maniera mai relaxata, mai proaspata.
Pictura din imagine e realizata pentru un grup de pictura online la care m-am inscris.
I don't know what you think of yourself but I love what I see here! The colours are so vibrant hard to believe it's H2O colour. I also love your attitude of fighting until the battle is won! What a gal!
It is very nice.
Have a great week-end.
Oh my!
Meda, I could never imagine being able to paint like this! I love the depth I see in this rich dahlia! You will achieve ... In my opinion, you already have. I'm behind your constant desire to do more!
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