We had a little bit of sun this morning and I was home so I was able to photograph some of my watercolor sketches. This is one that I did from a painting I found on the internet (I can't remember where). I'm trying to learn by reproducing different paintings that I like or just parts of them. My main goal is to be able to paint fresh looking watercolor images and that really doesn't come natural to me.
(L'ouvre watercolors on Fabriano non watercolor paper.)
Azi dimineata am avut parte de putin soare si, fiind acasa, am reusit sa fotografiez cateva din schitele mele in acuarela. Aceasta a fost realizata dupa o pictura gasita pe internet (nu imi amintesc unde). In momentul de fata incerc sa invat tehnica picturii in acuarela imitandu-i pe altii, iar principalul meu scop este sa obtin picturi care sugreaza prospetime, lucru pe care nu reusesc sa il fac in mod natural. (Acuarele L'ouvre pe hartie Fabriano -nu e hartie de acuarela)
all your work is stunning,
Meda, this is gorgeous! I think you are very talented and definitely have the gift of doing it well!
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