I was working at 2 projects simultaneously when I saw 2 ribbon colors together: elegant eggplant and pumpkin pie (in SU! colors). That was when I knew I had to make a wedding invitation design with these 2 colors that looked so elegant together.
Lucram simultan la 2 proiecte, cand mi-am dat seama ce bine se potriveste panglica de saten mov cu cea de organza caramizie. De atunci mi-am dorit sa creez o invitatie de nunta eleganta folosind cele 2 culori.

Well, I didn't really have time for it until I saw Kristina's Color Challenge featuring the exact same colors. So here is my invitation. I still need to find a good solution for the envelope (or box). Any ideas anyone? I was thinking of creating a full set with wedding favos, guest book, jewelery box, maybe a wedding album and coordinating wine glasses.
Ei bine, nu am avut niciodata timp pentru asta pana cand am vazut tema Kristinei de saptamana aceasta. Dati click [aici] pentru a vedea despre ce e vorba.
Invitatia nu e gata inca intrucat nu mi-a venit nici o idee pentru plic si ma gandesc sa creez un set complet cu marturii, carte de oaspeti, cutiuta de bijuterii, poate chiar album foto şi pahare de sampanie asortate.

My favorite element from this design is the grape I made from some jewelery wire and some seed beads, all from my stash. It is actually the main element that ties a vineyard wedding theme together. For more ideas on the same theme (wedding bouquet, decor, dress) please read this article.
Elementul meu preferat din acest design e acel ciorchine de boabe pe care l-am realizat dintr-o sarma pentru bijuterii si cateva margelute. Practic el e cel care fixeaza tema unei nunti neconformiste cum ar fi o nunta intr-o podgorie de struguri. Pentru idei de buchete de mierasa, rochie, accesorii, decor de nunta pe aceeasi tema, v-as sugera articolul urmator.
This is gorgeous, Meda! I'd never have picked this combo but it turns out beautiful! Love the simple knot on the card too!
Very clever!
This is a beautiful color combination. Love the embossed background.
beautiful and simplistic..I love it! ~Donna
Very pretty card. So elegant!
So beautiful! It's gorgeous!
Gorgeous! Makes me want to get married again :)
Very cool! It will make a beautiful invie.
I love, love the grape cluster! Wow! I've never tried such an intricate task ... but I do love yours!
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