Remember my 100 butterflies?
I have been planning this for a while but now, with the urge to use up my stash and the extra time I've been having, here they are: Elements, Handmade by Meda.
"Butterfly" Elements
These are the butterflies I used for Raluca's Invitations, for this necklace embellishment, or the hair clip in this post.Since it's still an experiment I only have 2 packs for sale in my Crafty Shop but I will make more if required.

I don't even know how I came up with these. But they are so cute I really have to design an invitation using them.

i like it:D fain si ambalajul:X
these are fantastic. Sandi
Very pretty. I really like the new design! Hope all is well with you!
Fantastic idea, Meda! I love it!
Haha ce dragute sunt!!!Imi plac fluturo-floricelele :) Vezi ca ai gasit si ambalaj pana la urma :) Foarte foarte frumos!
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